What menu items are gluten-free at McDonald’s?

Going to McDonald's isn't the greatest option if you're following a gluten-free diet. They have gluten in most of their sandwiches,

burgers, poultry, and breakfast items. That being said, if you can handle food that has been made in the same kitchen as other

gluten products, McDonald's could be a good choice for you if you're searching for a drink alternative, such as a hot fudge

sundae or chocolate shake. You use your best judgment when choosing which fast food places to visit and what to eat when you

get there since you know your body and what you can and cannot endure. I hope this post has given you the knowledge you've been

seeking for if you enjoy eating a quick hot breakfast while traveling or on your way to work. Hash browns at McDonald's are not gluten-free, unlike a lot of

other menu items. If you're searching for a hot, gluten-free breakfast, you'll have to keep driving since, regrettably, McDonald's doesn't provide them.

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