Khmer Pickled Vegetable Salad Recipe

Ingredients: 2 medium daikon radishes (about 1-1/4 pounds each), peeled and thinly sliced, 4 cups shredded cabbage (about 1/2 small),

1 large cucumber, thinly sliced, 2 medium carrots, thinly sliced, 1 cup cut fresh green beans (2 inch), 1/2 medium red onion, thinly

sliced, 1 piece fresh gingerroot (1 inch), thinly sliced, 2 Thai chili or serrano peppers, halved lengthwise, seeded if desired, 2 cups rice vinegar,

3/4 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro. In a large, nonreactive dish, combine the first eight

ingredients. In a 2-cup or larger glass measure, combine the vinegar, sugar, and salt; microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, or until warm. Until the sugar dissolves, stir.

Mix with the veggies. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour prior to serving. Sprinkle with cilantro when serving. Utilizing a slotted spoon, serve.

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